23 Kasım 2019 Cumartesi

Romanian Royal Family Attends Memorial Service for King Michael

The Royal Family of Romania
(left to right) Princess Alina-Maria, Prince Nicholas, Princess Sophie, Prince Radu, and Margarita, Custodian of the Crown
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
The Romanian Royal Family
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Margarita, Custodian of the Crown, places a wreath on the grave of her father King Michael
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
The members of the Romanian royal family have attended a Parastas (Memorial Service) for King Michael of Romania. His Majesty passed away at Aubonne, Switzerland, on 5 December 2017.

Prince Nicholas of Romania at the grave of King Michael
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Princess Alina-Maria of Romania at the grave of King Michael
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Archbishop Calinic of Argeș and Muscel presided over the service at the New Archbishop and Royal Cathedral at Curtea de Argeș. The following members of the Royal House were present: Custodian of the Crown Margarita with her husband Prince Radu, Princess Sophie, and Prince Nicholas with his wife Princess Alina-Maria.

Prince Nicholas and Princess Alina-Maria depart the Parastas for their grandfather King Michael
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului

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