17 Mart 2020 Salı

Royal Gatherings in London 2020 Postponed Due to World Pandemic

Dear All,

In a whirlwind of fast-moving events, yesterday the UK government announced the adoption of new policies set to address and restrict social gatherings.

This is big news…not the type we want to hear. But, it is the reality of what the world is going through during these troubling and dangerous times.

Taken everything that has been laid in front of us, we have no other option than announcing the postponement of our yearly Royal Gathering in London. Please read what I am saying carefully…postponement!

Coronavirus is here. In San Francisco we have been told to stay in place…self-quarantine. My school district is now officially closed for the next monthHowever, Covid-19 is not going to be here forever. This we will overcome by listening to the recommendations of health and government authorities, and taking the necessary precautions!

Those of you who have prebooked, I will personally contact. We will find a later date for our yearly gathering once the madness has subsided. I know how much so many of us look forward too spending a weekend listening to engaging lectures about royalty, on top of how much we truly enjoy seeing each other.

My decision to take this course was reinforced by news published yesterday:

As the waters calm down in the next few months, I will suggest several dates that might suit us better later in the year...

Hoping for calmer, healthier times!

Regards, Arturo

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