26 Eylül 2020 Cumartesi

Assistant Professorship in Legal History at Tilburg

[We have word of a listing of an Assistant Professor in Legal History job at Tilburg University, with a deadline of October 19.  DRE]

Tilburg University | Tilburg Law School is looking for an Assistant Professor in Legal History
Job description

Job opportunity for an Assistant Professor in Legal History, in the department of Public Law and Governance (PLG). PLG is a large, diverse and interdisciplinary department, home to nearly 100 academic staff and a range of legal and social science disciplines. You will develop and grow in teaching as well as research, both individually and as part of a team of ambitious scholars.

Job description
As assistant professor, you develop and teach courses in the bachelor Rechtsgeleerdheid (in Dutch), in the bachelor Liberal Arts (English) and bachelor Global Law (English), which include courses mostly in the field of legal history, as well as in humanities (European history of the early modern period). You will supervise bachelor theses. You also participate in research carried out by the team of the legal philosophy, jurisprudence and legal history scholars, part of the Department of Public Law and Governance. In the course of your appointment, you will develop a research profile, in line with the research profile and priorities of the Law School. The research conducted within Tilburg Law School is aimed at both scientific and societal relevance. It is organized into several cross-departmental research programs, including Global Law and Governance, New Modes of Lawmaking and Governance in a Multilayered Order, Law and Security, and Law and Technology. Key research themes of legal history include the history of international law, the history of commercial law and the history of public law and governance. The intended ratio between teaching and research is roughly 40%-40%, with the remaining 20% for administrative duties.

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