bedroom etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
bedroom etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

17 Mayıs 2016 Salı

Bedroom Refresh

Bedroom Refresh

Isn't it funny how you can change one thing and suddenly a room feels totally different? This little table is the star of my recent bedroom refresh.

All I did was move the bedside table from the back corner to the other side of the bed. And suddenly, the room is cozier, more interesting and more spacious!

Now the lovely characteristics of the little table can shine!
And the room is extra cozy at night with the light in the middle of the room now.

A present from my sister Becky, this little pot has always had a place on the bedside table. Now you can really notice the details.

The table was another antique find years ago. It actually is a sewing cabinet with the top lifting up to reveal a spool rack. The drawers hold all those random bit and bobs that can accumulate on a bedside table. I love having everything handy, but still able to keep the table top tidy.

The other change I made was to flip my bedspread around, the back is now up and the top down. The top was getting so warn and holey, but I am not ready to give up on it yet!

 I also switched out the pillow shams as the they didn't really match the quilt anymore. In their place I have crisp white vintage pillowcases. That just happen to have my monogram!

I love the lacy edging! I suspect it is handmade.

A lovely view reflected back. 
Because the table made the doorway to the sewing room seem a bit crowded, I moved the dressing table stool to the bottom of the bed, which opens up the area nicely.

The stool is where I perch my extra pillows at night, so it works perfectly.

I love the new "refreshed" look! With a small bedroom there isn't too many ways to place the furniture, so it was nice to be able to move something, even if it was just the bedside table.....

24 Aralık 2014 Çarşamba

Rosy and Bright (Upstairs Bedroom)

Rosy and Bright (Upstairs Bedroom)

I had almost forgotten I have a collection of Pink Shiny-Brites! We bought a giant tub of ornaments from an estate sale years ago and whoever it was liked pink! 
A few ornaments in my silver basket and a pink "corsage" on my mirror to add a bit of Christmas cheer. 

Mom found this for me last year, it came in the original package. Isn't it beautiful? I am not sure what is was suppose to decorate, but looks to me like a corsage. It hangs very nicely from my mirror on a suction cup.
It makes me smile every time I see how pink the light shade makes the walls. No need to paint, not with a vintage pink shade!

Another vintage Christmas card I printed from Pinterest and pasted on card stock. Love the cottage!

21 Aralık 2014 Pazar

Christmas Time's a Comin' (Mandy's Room)

Christmas Time's a Comin' (Mandy's Room)

Before we take a hike upstairs to see what Christmay-ness is up there, there is another room that is decked out this year, the front bedroom downstairs, my sister Mandy's room.
One of her favorite colors is red which lends itself nicely to Christmas decorating.

 When we were getting out the decorations, Mandy had this brilliant idea to display her straw ornament collection. She happened to have an empty frame as we are still working on hanging pictures on her walls.
Do you see the garland across the left wall? That is her knitted advent garland.

 They are the cutest things!

Beaded snowflakes in the windows.

 The ceramic tree we have had since we have been girls. Many a December night we would lay in our beds watching it glow waiting for Christmas to arrive.

 Mandy's snow globe collection.

20 Kasım 2014 Perşembe

Upstairs Bedroom

Upstairs Bedroom

Here is my cozy little nest! 
I have to tell you, when I took these pictures last week, it was a crazy blog writer moment...... I was so excited to wake up to sun I jumped out of bed and grabbed the camera, I didn't wait to get dressed! Then I realized the floors were dusty! So there I was rushing around mopping floors in my pjs and snapping pictures before I had to dash off to work! Unfortunately, the sun wasn't being cooperative and kept coming and going. But I managed to capture a few good ones!
I love how the ceilings come down and enscone one, it is my favorite feature (besides the windows). The ceilings really defined how and why I decorated this room. As you all know, I love pink. In my previous room the walls were pink and I just planned on painting the walls pink again. But once I studied the room more, I realized if I painted the walls pink I would also have to paint the ceilings pink or spend an enormous amount of time trying to draw "ceiling lines". (Which I knew I would never be happy with.) So right away I changed courses and switched to white (with a faint tint of pink, just to keep me happy!). The other factor that influenced my decorating, was the English cottage feel the room had. The little in-swinging windows..... the sloping ceiling......the basic wood floors......
The curtains I re-made from an comforter cover I had sewn. I think they add the perfect English cottage touch! Other then the curtains, just about everything else was in my old room.
 To the left, the dresser is tucked behind the door. Not the most convenient place, but the room is small and that is what works. 
 Since the dresser isn't in full view most of time, I didn't really know what to put on top..... until winter descended! The basket holds my knitted scarf collection handily ready for topping the day's outfit. A few of my quilts are also ever ready to be snuggled up in. (You can see on this side of the room the ceiling also slopes. Where would I put a ceiling line on that?!)
 I know this looks a little odd and at first is bothered me a bit, but the only way all the furiture was going to fit was with something over the attic door. Since, we don't access it very often, it works fine. And I still get a dressing table!
My bedroom furniture set was found at a garage sale years ago, a special gift from my sister.  I love it's vintage style! I recovered the stool in hand painted rose fabric.
 I had to post one picture of my wonderful floors! I know you all know I love my floors! These are pine, darkened from age and sunlight. All I did to them was a good cleaning and three new coats of shellac.
How can you not love those windows! Even though the bedroom faces north, it gets a surprising amount of sunlight.
 See the dresser peaking out from behind the door, that is the usually view. In the background, the attic door.
Looking into the sewing closet. I thought this gave a nice perspective of how "cozy" everything is! But once you add all the upstairs space together, it is the perfect amount. 
A place for everything.

15 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi

Rose colored glasses.....

Rose colored glasses.....

I don't know if that old saying really applies, but I think of it every time I turn on my bedroom light! The pink shade turns the room a wonderful pink shade. Doesn't it look cozy?
Next week I will be sharing pictures of a few changes in the book nook, my bedroom and sewing room. Do you remember how it looked last year? I posted a picture of the sewing room just after we moved in. (Can you believe it already has been a year?!)

29 Ekim 2014 Çarşamba

2nd Year Have-Done-List

2nd Year Have-Done-List

Can believe it?! I have owned the little house for two years! What busy years...... I have decided to  write another Have-Done list, like I did last year.

Front Yard
I re-did the flower beds and have been adding plants all year. They are coming along nicely, but it is so different to what I am use to as the beds are all shade.

Last year, the front porch was just a dropping ground. This summer I transformed it into another living space, and boy did we enjoy living in it! Painted wicker furniture, made cushions and pillows and re-arranged the furniture a dozen times.

The biggest thing on the list was getting a coat rack! I also hung the mirror and baskets for mittens and keys. Very exciting accomplishment!

Living Room
Not too much going on in the living room, but we have big plans! Purchased a new rug for in front of the couch and added another couple of coats of shellac to the floors.

Dinning Room
Also re-coated the floors. Hung up my fruit illustrations and finished up the blue side chairs. Turned the table the other way, which really changed the look of the room!

Front Bedroom
Still have a bit more picture hanging to do here. But we finally figured out what would work in the closet, good old basic shelves! I am planning on sharing them soon.

Installed the medicine cabinet!! Put shelves in the linen closet and re-organized everything again.

Back Bedroom
(This was the only picture I has that even shows the back bedroom. Do you see the bed through the hall? That is it!) Didn't change a lot in this room. Bedrooms have to be decorated slowly. They are such personal spaces one has to take their time.

The kitchen has been a busy place this year! Made curtains, bought a new vintage table, installed tile back splash. Still have trim to do.

Book Nook
Moved more shelves in, organized books, and purchased a chair. I am in the middle of working on the foot stool and pillow now.

Upstairs Bedroom
Not much done here either. Because the sewing room was better organized, I was able to de-clutter a bit.

Sewing Room
Bought cube shelves and bins, re-organized everything, found a new sewing chair. I will be getting together a post on this room soon!

Back Yard
Painted both my garage and the neighbor's garage with fresh white paint. Bought a raised garden box, planters and planted an apple tree!

Happy Anniversary Little House!