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newspaper etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

7 Ocak 2020 Salı

Project on going! - First part: NEWS

Project on going! - First part: NEWS

Hi guys,

We are starting a new project... it will count on your marks for the second term.

This will be a Historical newspaper!

You have all the information in MOODLE, including the assessment sheet...

These are the parts you will use to choose what your news are about...

Team 1 (ANDREA-FRAN) - Spanish War of Independence (p. 78-79)

Team 2 (EVA-NATALIA) - The Parliament of Cadiz (p. 80-81)

Team 3 (JAVI-JESÚS-GUTY) - The restoration of the Old Regime (p.82-83) -> this one for the team with 3 students.

Team 4 (CAROL-ELIA) - The Independence of Latin America (p. 84-85)

Days 11-12 December are going to be STEP 1- RESEARCH, in class informática-biblio.
Day 16-18 December will be STEP 2 - WRITING in class Informática-tecno.

FIRST DEADLINE to share with me the News finished is 31 DECEMBER.

I will give you back your news with the corrections on January 7, and you will have one week, a second chance to improve them... Second DEADLINE is 16 January.

Here you have an example, it was made 2 years ago (it is from the students that are now in 2º bach).