16 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a great Italian scientific who played a vital in the Modern Scientific Revolution. He was a physicist, philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer.   He developed the telescope successfully and applied for astronomical observation of stars, planets, and moons.  He is well known for the telescope, kinematics, dynamics, and Heliocentrism.

Galileo used his telescope for astronomical observations and he showed the telescopic confirmation of the Venus and he discovered four moons in the Jupiter during his observation. Later the moons were called “Galilean Moons” to honor his work and also Galileo analysis the sunspots in the sun (black dots in sun).

Galileo has been called as “Father of Modern Science”, Father of Science”, Father of Modern Physics” and “Father of Modern Observational astronomy”.
Stephen Hawking says, "Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science."

Galileo invents an improved Military compass and other instruments using applied science and technology.  Galileo supported Nicolaus Copernicus view about Heliocentrism. They disproved “Earth is not in the center of the universe” (geocentric view). After 1610, he publically a supports the Copernicus view about geocentric or Helio-centrism and placed the sun as the center of the universe.  In 1616, the Catholic Church warned Galileo and helio-centrism ideas and also censored those ideas. In 1632, Galileo published “Dialogue concerning the two Chief World Systems” in this book he wrote some details about the helio-centrism in an indirect way. Even though he was a founded for the suspect and Catholic Church ordered to place Galileo under house arrest and he spent his whole life in house arrest.

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