11 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba

Progress Photos of the Bathroom and Kitchen

Here they are! What we have all been waiting for, Progress!
The kitchen grew once we had the cabinets back in! There of course is still a few things to do; counter tops, sink, tiling and trim. Do you see those yellow wires hanging out of the walls? That is the new electrical! Just a few outlets wired in and we are good to go.

 And here is the bathroom with WALLS!!
 It is such a strong green, it makes the bathroom look small! The white round pipe in the floor is where the toilet is going and the pipes sticking out of the wall is for the sink.
 I love how the view from the hallway is the window. Though once all the fixtures are in it won't so uncluttered. (Bathtub to the left.)
A new coat of plaster! In keeping with the style of the house I am skim coating all the bathroom walls with wet plaster. (I started in the closet for practice.) So nice to have the walls back to white! I have about half the walls done with the first coat!

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