11 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister | Member of Parliament | Statesman | Soldier | Journalist | Historian | Author Painter | Eminent Speaker  

Sir Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965) is one of the great wartime leaders of Britain during 2nd world war. He was received Nobel Prize in Literature, served in army during world war I and also Prime minister of Britain from (1940-1945) and (1951-1955). In 1895 Churchill was travelled to Cube to observe the Spanish war against the Cuban guerrillas, then transferred to India at 1896, 1898 Egypt, and 1899 South Africa then back to Britain. He was severed in several honorable positions in British government as well as British Military. His inspired speech attracts Britain youth to join in army and war against the Nazi during 2nd world war. Historical person who is consider as a “Great Briton”. Also “Honorary Citizen of United States”.

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