27 Ocak 2015 Salı

1930's Inspiration

In between painting the back stairs several weekends ago, I pulled up on Youtube some random 1930's movies to watch. They were so fun! The 1930s seemed to perfect the zany plot comedy. Even though all the movies are B movies and I didn't recognize any of the actors; the sets, costumes, cars, manners and slang all oozed 1930s. I loved it!
(For a bit of color and visual interest I have picked out a few adverts from pinterst. Aren't they fabulous!)
"Meet the Boy Friend"  is a classic ingredient romantic comedy with a bit of 1930s glamour thrown in. A radio singer hero, an everyday working girl heroine who isn't impressed by the hero's fame, a nutty plot that hardly makes sense, several lovely songs, a somewhat dumb sidekick, and an insurance swindle. Just my cup of tea! 

Here is a rollicking comedy about jewel thieves, private detectives and policemen "Romance on the Run" rushes along with more chase scene then plot. There are some wonderful cars and the Pullman train scene is one of my favorites!

 "Twin Husbands" is a mystery/comedy. The story line is a bit more stuck together, but you have to pay attention as there are so many "switch on a switch, on a switch" that is leaves one a bit muddled! I love the grand mansion and the butler in the one!

I hope you enjoy! Do you have a favorite 1930 movie?

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