Movies etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Movies etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

18 Ocak 2018 Perşembe

Clear and Cold

Clear and Cold

Hello Friends! Here we are in a new year. Have things fallen back in the normal pattern? All the Christmas decorations cleared away? Here too. We are mostly just trying to stay cozy and warm and not leave the house unless absolutely necessary. January isn't usually a bad month, sometimes we have a lot of snow, sometimes it is just cold. Either way there isn't much motivation (or reason) to go outside. So we all turn to cozy indoor activities. (Above is the view from my bedroom window, ice and all!)

Of course, the knitting needles are very busy this time of year. I finished off a new hat (Rikke Hat), a crochet cowl (Pearl Stitch Cowl) and am now working on a sweater for myself. Kerri is modeling a new sweater (Four Cable Dog Sweater) Mandy knit for a class at our local knitting shop. 

After all the "warm fuzzy" Christmas movies in December, I am always ready for a change of pace. Mandy and I have started re-watching the Lord Peter Whimsy mysteries. 
The same goes for reading. After the cozy lightweight romances of Betty Neels for most of November and December I am ready for a change. Last week I dug out our beloved copies of the Mrs. Polifax books and started on the first one; The Unexpected Mrs. Polifax. It was so fun to read it again! 

January in my mind always means clear cold sunny days and cozy nights. And dirty salty floors.... everywhere dirty salty footprints! The floors aren't even dry before another pair of feet track across it! Ahh well, January doesn't last forever.......

What about you? What do you do watch or read to stay cozy in January?

17 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi

Christmas in Connecticut

Christmas in Connecticut

Looking for a movie recommendation this weekend? Try one of my favorite Christmas movies,  "Christmas in Connecticut" starring Barbra Stanwyck. It has all the classic movie ingredients I love; a zany plot, delightful characters, a beautiful house, gorgeous costumes by Edith Head, wonderful Christmas decorations, and a couple of aprons!
(Don't you love that mammoth tree dripping with tinsel?!)

As the title implies, the plot revolves around a farmhouse in Connecticut.
Even though Elizabeth Lane (Barbra Stanwyck) doesn't own a farmhouse, she portrays herself as living on a Connecticut farm in her homemaking column. The publisher, unaware of Elizabeth's deception, invites himself and a returning war hero to her farmhouse for the holidays. Elizabeth and her editor hatch a plan to continue the charade. And you can imagine the hijinks that ensue.

"Christmas in Connecticut" was released in 1945, a time when everyone was weary of war and ready to return to pre-war homeyness. The movie abounds with old fashioned domesticity!  A cozy snow covered farmhouse, plenty of home cooked meals, a big cheerful kitchen, a crackling fire and a glittering Christmas tree. 
Nora, the housekeeper, is wearing an old fashioned white apron in this breakfast scene. 

There is even a comical flap-jack flipping scene! Don't you love the kitchen?
Even Barbra Stanwyck is wearing a gingham apron-esque dress, giving her a competent homemaker look.

One of my favorite scenes is when Elizabeth Lane and the war hero, Jefferson Jones, give the baby a bath. Isn't she wearing a fabulous apron?
And don't forget the charming bathroom! 

Have you seen "Christmas in Connecticut"? What is your favorite part of this fun holiday classic?

27 Ocak 2015 Salı

1930's Inspiration

1930's Inspiration

In between painting the back stairs several weekends ago, I pulled up on Youtube some random 1930's movies to watch. They were so fun! The 1930s seemed to perfect the zany plot comedy. Even though all the movies are B movies and I didn't recognize any of the actors; the sets, costumes, cars, manners and slang all oozed 1930s. I loved it!
(For a bit of color and visual interest I have picked out a few adverts from pinterst. Aren't they fabulous!)
"Meet the Boy Friend"  is a classic ingredient romantic comedy with a bit of 1930s glamour thrown in. A radio singer hero, an everyday working girl heroine who isn't impressed by the hero's fame, a nutty plot that hardly makes sense, several lovely songs, a somewhat dumb sidekick, and an insurance swindle. Just my cup of tea! 

Here is a rollicking comedy about jewel thieves, private detectives and policemen "Romance on the Run" rushes along with more chase scene then plot. There are some wonderful cars and the Pullman train scene is one of my favorites!

 "Twin Husbands" is a mystery/comedy. The story line is a bit more stuck together, but you have to pay attention as there are so many "switch on a switch, on a switch" that is leaves one a bit muddled! I love the grand mansion and the butler in the one!

I hope you enjoy! Do you have a favorite 1930 movie?

4 Ağustos 2014 Pazartesi

Damsel in Distress

Damsel in Distress

Yesterday, Mandy and I had an impromptu Fred Astaire movie marathon. He is one of my favorite actors! I love the movies he is in, he had such great comic flare. We were in the mood for a musical so we started with "Funny Face", also starring Audrey Hepburn. That really got us going, so when we noticed Netflix also had "Daddy Long Legs" with Leslie Caron off we went! 
I was so sad to hear today the 1940's movie star Esther Williams had died. To tell you the truth, I was also surprised she had made it to 91!
 I always love her characters in her movies. So Cheerful, Spunky and fresh Girl-Next-Door. My favorite movie of hers is "Thrill of a Romance". Though I know I haven't seen all her movies, they can be hard to find! It is pretty much a typical 40s musical; cheerful dresses, pretty girls, a lonely solider, and a love story that is a bit far fetched. Don't you love them, though? But this one stands out because of Esther's swimming and Lauritz Melchior singing. Melchior was a Metropolitan Opera singer before he signed on with MGM. He adds a delightful twist to the movie.