22 Şubat 2015 Pazar


LETTER TO President of Cyprus - Nicos Anastasiadis by kathryn bowerman

Take animal abuse and cruelty in Cyprus seriously to stop it happening

Cyprus is a beautiful country on the outside but the animal abuse there is seemingly never ending.

When poor "Billy" was killed there was an outcry. Indeed you, yourself, made a statement and I desperately hoped that would be a turning point for Cyprus and things would change for the better for animals. It hasn't happened - despite the best efforts of many people - and then, yesterday, a defenceless cat was skinned alive and hung up and left to die.

This is horrendous and your help is needed NOW please.

Animal lovers around the world are outraged and Cyprus must be suffering, as well as the animals.

To sign the petition click this link Petition regarding animal cruelty in Cyprus

Once you are on the page above, click on the top box President of Cyprus - Nicos Anastastiadis and this will take you straight to the petition.

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