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4 Ekim 2020 Pazar



 Reuters News Service 4 October 2020

(Reuters) - The British government will routinely deny asylum to migrants who board boats to cross the English Channel or come to Britain through illegal routes, the Sunday Times reported

Under new laws that will be unveiled by Britain's interior minister Priti Patel on Sunday, the government will unveil its "fair borders bill," outlining its plan of a two-tier system in which migrants are treated differently if they pay criminal gangs to help them come to Britain, the newspaper said.

New legal routes will be created for those who are at genuine risk of harm, and foreign criminals and asylum seekers who are not at risk will be deported, the report added.

"Currently, everybody that comes to our country and makes an asylum claim, they are treated the same, irrespective of the route through which they have entered our country - and that simply isn't right," Patel said in an interview with the London-based newspaper.

Earlier this week, the British government came under fire after media reports revealed it had studied housing asylum seekers on disused oil rigs, banishing them to camps in Moldova or Papua New Guinea, or building floating walls in the sea to keep them out.

(Reporting by Aakriti Bhalla in Bengaluru; Editing by Paul Simao)



 Cyprus Mail 4 October 2020  - by Reuters News Service

A sarcophagus that is around 2500 years old, is seen inside the newly discovered burial site near Egypt's Saqqara necropolis, in Giza

Egypt on Saturday put on show dozens of coffins belonging to priests and clerks from the 26th dynasty nearly 2,500 years ago, with archaeologists saying tens more were found in the vast Saqqara necropolis just days ago.

The 59 coffins were discovered in August at the UNESCO world heritage site south of Cairo, buried in three 10-12 meter shafts along with 28 statues of the ancient Egyptian God Seker, one of the most important funerary deities.

They belonged to priests and clerks from the 26th dynasty, said Mostafa al-Waziri, secretary-general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities.

The Egyptian archaeological mission behind the discovery had been active since 2018 and previously unveiled a cache of mummified animals and a well-preserved tomb of a fifth dynasty royal priest called ‘Wahtye’ in the area.

Waziri explained the team had uncovered the three shafts where the coffins were laid in “perfect condition” due to a protective seal that preserved them from chemical reactions.

The mission will continue opening the coffins and studying their contents before their eventual display at the Grand Egyptian Museum, expected to open next year.



 Cyprus Mail 3 October 2020  - by Alix Norman

Sophie the Cyprus poodle who took Best in Show at the last event

Pauline Bishop has always owned dogs. In fact, one of her Weimaraners once saved her life…

“About 18 years ago, Elsa started acting very strangely around me. Normally aloof and independent, she began jumping up and head butting me; she wouldn’t leave me alone. Then, just where she was bumping me, I found a lump!”

Pauline took herself off to the doctor. Who immediately fast-tracked an operation to remove what turned out to be a cancerous lump. “But when I returned home, Elsa was still frantic – her behaviour hadn’t changed. So I went straight back to the doctor, who told me the first operation hadn’t been wholly successful, and I needed another immediately – which I had.

“After that second procedure, I went back home again. And Elsa gave me a once over and left me alone; in her eyes I was now fine. I was later told that if I had left things even a few days, the cancer would have been inoperable, and I would no longer be here!”

To this day, all of the Caring Canines Dog Shows – which take place twice a year in the Paphos district – have been dedicated to the wonderful Elsa, who saved her owner’s life.

Elsa, The Weimaraner Who Saved Pauline's Life

“Our first show was held in 2010, at Bonamare Beach Bar,” says Pauline, “in honour, of course, of Elsa. My husband Leigh and I – who have our own dog grooming business in Paphos – work with a fantastic team of volunteers to put the shows together. We’re all dog-lovers, all dedicated to helping both humans and animals – that’s where the name Caring Canines comes from – and none of us receive any remuneration for our services,” says Pauline. “We do what we do because we love dogs, and we love being around dogs, and we love being around people who love dogs!”

Held twice a year since – with the exception of April 2020, when Covid put the kibosh on the spring show – the Caring Canines Dog Show is a gathering of owners and their dogs from all over the island. This autumn, it will be taking place on October 11 at the Atlantida Beach Bar – “a super place, with lots and lots of space,” says Pauline – a wonderful event for all the family!

“Entrance is free, and it’s €3 to enter any of the classes,” Pauline explains. “We have pedigree and non-pedigree classes, and we always begin with Best Pedigree Puppy, which is an absolute delight for everyone to watch!”

Other classes include Waggiest Tail – “it’s such fun to watch the owners doing anything and everything to get their doggies to wag their tails!” laughs Pauline – and Best Cyprus Poodle, in which spectators will get to see all sorts of different sizes and coats and colours. Then there’s Most Beautiful Eyes, a new class this year, and one which Pauline suggests will be very well-subscribed, as well as ‘Best Rescue’ (expect more than a few heart-wrenching and heart-warming stories), and Best in Show.

“Last year, our Best in Show was a Cyprus poodle named Sophie,” Pauline reveals. “She’s a tiny little thing who always does very well – and boy can she move! You wouldn’t know she wasn’t pedigree! And I think it’s really important to note that many of the dogs in the show are by no means purebreds – we just love seeing all the dogs and their owners.”

In fact, owners and dogs are encouraged to come along even if they don’t wish to participate in any of the classes. “All dogs are welcome whether they’re entering or not,” smiles Pauline. “This is an event that’s really all about the fun of being around canines: we just love them all!”

The Caring Canines Dog Show Setting Up At The Atlantida Beach
The set up at the Atlantida Beach

The show will also have tonnes of entertainment: stalls selling everything from pre-made doggie dinners to bespoke dog beds, candles, sweets and make up, along with fabulous cakes and savouries. And Pauline and her team are expecting hundreds of people to come along and enjoy the day: “Some people come alone with their dogs, others bring a tent and the whole family!

“We’re very aware of the restrictions in place,” she notes, adding that “putting together this show has been a HUGE challenge. We will be ensuring that social distancing takes place at all times and in all areas, and owners are absolutely required to wear masks while they’re in the ring.”

It’s also worth noting that the show is in aid of The Friends’ Hospice in Paphos which, since its opening in 2006, has provided palliative care to 2,000 patients with life-limiting illnesses for which a medical cure is no longer possible – care that is offered, free of charge, to people of every nationality, regardless of their ability to pay.

“Unfortunately,” says Pauline, “the Hospice has had to vacate its dedicated wing in St George’s Polyclinic in Paphos. So, for the moment, it is homeless. While a nine-bedroom house in the Tala area has been offered, rent-free, to enable palliative care to continue, it’s crucial that the Hospice finds the funding to make the Tala house fit-for-purpose as the Hospice’s new home.”

Funding for the Hospice currently comes from its charity shops in Chlorakas, Kato Paphos, Polis and Pissouri, as well as through donations and sponsored events. “We’re so proud that the Caring Canines Dog Show can contribute to this,” Pauline concludes. “The Hospice has done so much for so many. I think Elsa would be proud to know that she inspired an event that’s helping so many people!”


The Caring Canines Dog Show

October 11. 9.30am to 4pm at the Atlantida Beach Bar in Paphos. For more information, visit the Facebook event page Caring Canines Dog Show! or call 99 130761



 Filenews 4 October 2020

*Dr. Andreas Karyos and Dr. Giannis Ioannou

A well-preserved pistol, located in the arsenal of the EOKA, FN-1910 of FN Herstal Belgium, adds a number of new elements to the organization's weapons and at the same time "unites" the national liberation struggle of 1955-1959 with two other historical events. The Irish struggle for independence and a series of historical events that led to the outbreak of The First World War (First World War). Common element a pistol, small in size, with design roots, as demonstrated by its type in the distant... 1910!

A pistol in Cyprus - The FN-1910 pistol or simply Browning 1910 was one of the most historically small semiautomatic pistols on the European continent. John Moses Browning's original, pre-war plan was widely used on the European market before the outbreak of the First World War, and remained in production post-war until 1983, being a weapon used by many national armies and police forces. With a caliber of .380 ACP (9mm Browning) or 7.65mm/.32 ACP (9mm Browning Short) the compact-sized pistol included many innovative features such as barrel change (and caliber) as well as design innovations such as triple-type safety. Due to its size, the pistol gained a formidable reputation in use for illegal acts and, a few times, linked its name to political assassinations, which, as we shall see below, shocked world history.

The FN-1910 located in the collection of the Agos Museum bears a serial number showing its construction on the premises of the city of Herstal, Belgium between 1920-1927. It is .380 ACP caliber (the magazine had a capacity of 6 cartridges, while 7.65mm had 7) with the characteristic black plastic (with the FN logo) handle. Pistols of this type were used, before the start of World War II (WWII), by the French and Dutch armies as well as units of the Serbian army. The investigation did not show how the pistol ended up in the EOKA arsenal.

With regard, however, to its origin, two hypotheses can be made: to be a spoil of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) in the hands of the Greek Army or to end up in Greek hands - and from there in Cyprus - through Crete. In both cases in the hands of the EOKA the pistol ended up having been sent from the geographical area of Greece. In the case of Crete it is worth mentioning that many FN-1910s were the secondary weapon of Luftwaffe officers and non-commissioned officers - to which the German paratroopers who acted in Crete in May 1941 were subject - as a basic grant throughout the Second World War.

The FN-1910 pistol used by the EOKA fighters (photo: Giannis Ioannou)

With action in Dublin - FN-1910 in addition to the EOKA, however, saw action in Ireland as well. The Irish Question, in the 19th century, was related, among other things, to the refusal of the Irish to be a component of a common British identity (which would include the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish) at a time of aspirations for national unification and national uniformity. As regards the dominant tendencies in the Irish political scene, a significant proportion sought to grant autonomy with a separate parliament in Ireland, but without full independence from Great Britain. Another trend was the complete rupture with British sovereignty in the form of the establishment of an independent Irish nation-state. Consequently, uprisings and revolutions against the British were not rare during the 19th century.

The resolution of the Irish Question continued to be pending in the early decades of the 20th century. A product of the climate of emancy that prevailed in the ranks of the Irish, as well as the failure of the British governments to reach a satisfactory solution, was the "Easter Uprising" (1916). The uprising was organized by the Military Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a secret organization aimed at ending British rule and creating an Irish independent democratic state. The armed uprising broke out on 24 April 1916 and lasted six days, until its violent repression by British forces. Patrick Pearce played an important role in the evolution of events. The rebels, consisting of some 1,200 Irish (men and women) armed volunteers, moved unannounced, occupied strategic points in Dublin and proclaimed the Irish Republic.

Eventually, British supreme military forces (about 20,000) and artillery bombardment of rebel positions forced the latter into unconditional surrender. After the suppression of the uprising martial law was imposed, while more than 3,500 Irish were imprisoned and 1,800 sent to concentration camps in Britain. The leaders of the uprising, including Pierce, were tried by a court-martial and executed by the British. An essential derivative of the Easter Rising was its influence on Irish public opinion in promoting the Irish Question: feelings of reaction to the repressive policy of the British gave a huge boost to the predominance of independence and not to ireland's until then preference for autonomy as a form of resolving the Irish Question.

The FN-1910, then, was the main weapon (see photo) brought by Patrick Pierce, pioneer of the Irish Revolution of 1916 and an important figure in the ideological context of the provisional IRA struggle afterwards.

In 1910, the Irish pioneer of the "Easter Uprising", Patrice Pierce (photo: John Ioannou Archive)

The interconnection with Sarajevo - FN-1910, however, bears a significant share of responsibility, literally, and for the 40,000,000 dead of the First World War, having taken part in an event that was a turning point in world history: it was the pistol with which Archdukas Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was murdered on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina was under Austro-Hungarian occupation and administration following a decision of the Berlin Congress (1878), which legalized the secret agreement concluded between Russia and Austria-Hungary to take over the administration of the region in exchange for neutrality during the Russian-Turkish War (1877-1878) which ended with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. The occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the control of Novi Pazar's Sandzaki, assisted Austria-Hungary's plans for regional hegemony by preventing Serbia's union with Montenegro. At the same time, it was given the opportunity to pursue an expansionary policy towards Thessaloniki and the Aegean, if it wished. Three decades later, during the Bosnian Crisis (1908-1909), Austria-Hungary formally annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. This action was accompanied by strong reactions from Serbia, which wanted to bring together all the South Slavic (Yugoslav) populations, including those residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The realisation that a conventional war conflict with the militarily prosperous (and main market for Serbian products) Austria-Hungary would not result in a positive result reinforced the establishment of organisations that were ready to use all means (including political assassinations) to stem Austro-Hungarian expansionism in the Balkans.

Among these organisations was the "Black Hand". This secret organisation, in addition to the desire to prevent Austro-Hungarian imperialism, also aimed to bring all South Slavs into line at serbia's initiative. The leader of the group undertook the training of some members, whose mission would be the assassination of the successor to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Francis Ferdinand. The conspirators, including the young Bosnian Serb Gabrielo Princip, went to Sarajevo carrying four 7.65mm FN M-1910 pistols, six grenades and suicide pills.

The attack finally took place on June 28, 1914, the day of Francis Ferdinand's visit to Sarajevo, and the anniversary of a holy day for Serbs, the Battle of Kosovo (1389). Around 10:10 a.m., a failed bombing attempt was carried out by one of Princip's comrades. A few hours later the car in which the Crown Prince and his wife Duchess Sophia were on board abruptly stopped at a very close distance from where Princip was standing. The latter was fatally struck with his FN M-1910, from a close distance, Francis Ferdinand and Sophia (whom he accidentally shot while trying to kill Bosnia and Herzegovina's governor General Oscar Potiorek), leading the developments to a spiral of events brought about by the outbreak of the First World War. Princip's pistol is rescued today (see photo) at a museum in Vienna.

The pistol with which Gabrielo Princip murdered Francis Ferdinand as exhibited today in a museum in Vienna. Interesting that the condition of the weapon (damage) is similar to that of the EOKA (photo: Austrian Museum of Military History)

Dr. Andreas Karios is a historian and scientific associate of the Agony Museum.

Giannis Ioannou is an internationalist and co-founder of Geopolitical Cyprus (



 Filenews 4 October 2020 

On the occasion of World Animal Day, the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, Costas Kadis, speaks to "F" about the problems observed in relation to the effective implementation of legislation and the new regulations put in place for animal welfare. He comments on the incident of animal abuse at Paralimni High School and develops his vision regarding the protection of animals in Cyprus. He stresses that animal welfare has been high on his Ministry's priorities.

- Minister, today we are celebrating World Animal Day. What exactly is the purpose of this day?

-World Animal Day, which is celebrated every year on 4 October, aims to improve the position of animals in our consciousness and in society, while contributing to improving the protection and welfare of animals on the planet. This day concerns both the animals we have in our home, which depend on humans for their survival, the productive animals, but also the animals that live in nature, which contribute in their own way to the balance of our common ecosystem. Our survival depends to a large extent on this balance.

-To what extent do you think this year's day finds the situation in Cyprus improved in terms of the relationship between humans and animals?

- Cypriots' feelings of animal welfare have developed in recent years. A large proportion of young people, who may not belong to any animal welfare organisation, are deeply aware and active in animal welfare issues and recognise the important benefits of people's interaction with animals. The coronavirus pandemic made us rethink many things and highlighted the social and emotional value of animals in our lives. Research in several countries has shown that during the lockdown period, pets helped people maintain a regular routine, improve their concentration while working at home, while reducing anxiety and depression. These positive results were particularly important for people who were left alone.

-You have repeatedly stated that animal welfare issues are high on your agenda. What new policies have you implemented?

-One of the first priorities set by the government of President Anastasiades and in particular our ministry, was to promote policies to improve animal welfare in our country. We have designed and implemented an Integrated Animal Protection and Welfare Framework, focusing our efforts on pets, productive animals, animals in zoos and pet shops. In summary, some of the new laws, programmes and actions that we have designed and implemented are the amendment of the Legislation to increase penalties for animal abuse and neglect, the introduction of new Regulations to regulate the standards to be met by shelters, hotels and dog farms, the new Bill to improve animal detention conditions in zoos and the new bill regulating the sale and possession of pets. With this bill Cyprus becomes one of the few European countries that will now apply the "positive list" which is essentially the list of animals that one will be allowed to own as pets. In this way we also contribute to the fight against the illegal wildlife trade. We have also increased the annual grant to animal welfare organisations to EUR 100 000, in a sign of recognition of the valuable work of animal welfare volunteers. At the same time, we implemented programmes for the sterilisation of stray cats, while in order to limit stray dogs we proceeded to implement a programme of free dog labelling, i.e. microchip placement.

-Are there mechanisms in government agencies to take the actions needed to significantly improve animal welfare conditions?

-It is a fact that the structure and staffing of government agencies could not be seen as ideal for the effective management of animal welfare issues. Significant changes are also being made at this level, however. Let me remind you of the Government's decision to proceed with the creation of the Animal Police – the relevant bill is expected to be debated soon in the House – while the Veterinary Services assume a coordinating role in animal welfare issues and are renamed Veterinary and Animal Welfare Services. Our intention is also to move forward by strengthening the staffing of these services so that they can function effectively.

   -Much has been said about the amending Bill on Animal Welfare being debated in the House Committee on the Environment. What exactly does this bill provide for? Do you think it will eventually be voted on by the House?

-This bill was approved by the Council of Ministers on 9 October 2019 and is being discussed in the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment. The Bill introduces important provisions, such as increasing the penalties for animal abuse, from EUR 1 700 currently in force in the event of a first conviction, to EUR 10 000 and from EUR 3 400 currently in force in the event of a subsequent conviction, to EUR 20 000. We believe that these penalties will act as a deterrent, while at the same time showing the importance we place as a State in punishing those who mistreat animals. The bill also introduces new provisions to improve animal welfare conditions in our country, namely a ban on dogs being permanently tethered and kept on rooftops and balconies, conditions that leave animals isolated and exposed to weather conditions. The bill also provides for the strengthening of animal protection procedures, through institutionalised cooperation between government agencies, private veterinarians and animal welfare organisations participating in the Cyprus Animal Welfare Coordinating Committee and the Provincial Animal Welfare Committees. I hope that after the extensive debate that has taken place in the Committee on the Environment in the House, the Bill will be voted on by the plenary, setting a new basis for animal welfare in our country.



 Filenews 4 October 2020 - by Petros Theoharidis

Turkey's pirate policy against Cyprus in relation to hydrocarbons is an organized state pirate strategy that has not been hindered by anyone, and is evolving in three stages. The first stage is that of seismographic surveys, within the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone for the discovery of targets of possible deposits.

Secondly, already Turkey from 2013 until today, has seismicly scanned most of the Cypriot EEZ. From the beginning of 2019, drilling began within the Cypriot EEZ. The eighth drilling is underway on a total of six targets within the Cypriot EEZ, even within licensed parts.

The third stage will begin with the discovery of a marketable deposits, which will create quality new pirated data, but also fait accompli since no one effectively prevents or impedes this illegal, pirated Turkish activity.

Barbaros, a Seismographic Norwegian company, was acquired by Turkey in 2013 and was originally sent, mainly with a Norwegian crew to the Black Sea. Until then, Turkey was challenging Cyprus in the presence of the second generation seismographic Piri Reis, which had been coming and going within the Cypriot EEZ since the end of 2010 when our country began its first drilling in "Aphrodite" in block 12.

2013- At the end of 2013 Turkey brought Barbaros into the Eastern Mediterranean, with the first Navtex for seismographics – valid until the end of February 2014 – covering most of the maritime area between the northern coasts of Cyprus and the southern coast of Turkey, apparently sending the "message" that the area between occupied Cyprus and Turkey is under its control. At the same time, it also showed its intentions by also monitoring the reaction of the Republic of Cyprus, but also of Europe and the whole world, extending a section of the seismographic and off Pyrgos Tillyria, up to Argaka, leaving out the zone of territorial waters of the Republic of Cyprus from the height of the green line and further south.

The seismographic Barbaros (BARBAROS HAYREDDINPAŞA) was restored again north of Cyprus, but further east this time with the main objective of the Gulf of Mersina and "respecting" the area that was committed with another Navtex, outside the territorial waters of the Republic of Cyprus, although of course it wanted to show the differentiation from the occupied and not that it recognizes and respects the Republic of Cyprus.

2014 - This activity lasted from July 16 to August 27, 2014. But activity in the same area was extended until early October 2014.

The first most intense provocative activity, south of Cyprus, within the Cypriot EEZ and registered sea parcels of the Republic of Cyprus, came in October, when with illegal Navtex Turkey committed for seismographic surveys a large area from side to side south of the coast of Cyprus for the period 20 October until 30 December 2014. In fact, the accompanying ships were also Norwegian, with the crews of both the support ships and the Norwegian scientific crew of Barbaros leaving, following moves by the Republic of Cyprus and the threat of legal prosecution.

Over the next few weeks, seismographic experts followed a parody of seismographics, which they considered to be a completely wrong procedure that would not work, apparently because, at the time, only the trained but inexperienced Turkish personnel stayed on the seismographic vessel. The consultation with the owner company – turkey was renting the ship at the time – was like the treatment of seismographs in Norway. Later Turkey extended the rental period and eventually bought Barbaros.

2015- This year the Turks made a new climax to the challenges. Turkey, with a new illegal Navtex, sent Barbaros again south of Cyprus, this time to a maritime area south of Limassol, which also covered part of the underwater conditions of Eratosthenes, but also areas for which there was considerable interest in drilling by companies licensed by the Republic of Cyprus, such as the ENI-Kogas consortium. Illegal Turkish activity in this region lasted from January to April 2016. It should be noted that part of the area where apparently previously not properly seismographically was done was also covered.

From mid-April to mid-May 2015, Barbaros returns to resume seismographically, in a limited area of the Gulf of Mersina, activity that was extended until September 2015, apparently because they were aware of potential for deposit, since Turkey later drilled there, but to no avail.

2016- In the first half of 2016, we did not have an appearance of the Turkish seismographic within the Cypriot EEZ after it was sent to the Black Sea, but this lasted until April 2017.

2017- In April 2017 Barbaros returned to the area, where after a new illegal Navtex, it proceeded with seismographically in Famagusta Bay, up to the height of the Cape of Apostle Andrea.

In July 2017, Turkey culminated in serious challenges by irregularly tying a large marine area west of Paphos for seismographic surveys with Barbaros that lasted until the end of that year. It should be noted that Turkey has since carried out three illegal drilling operations within the Cypriot EEZ, with the third still under way.

2018- From the end of 2017 until March 2018, Barbaros was again sent to a large area between the Karpasia Peninsula and the Turkish coast.

From April to July 2018, they send Barbaros for seismographic northeast of Cyprus from the cape of Ap. Andrea up to the Bay of Alexandria and the border with Syria. The presence of the Turkish seismographic in the same area extended in time until September, with Barbaros literally licking even the rocks in front of ap. Andrea.

Eight drilling rigs on foreign land

Violations of the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey culminated in literally pirate acts in May 2019 in the Cypriot EEZ and have continued continuously ever since, without repercussions.

Following Turkey's threats to drill in the Cypriot EEZ in October 2018, it started the first drilling with the Fatih drilling rig, but did not enter areas of sovereign rights in Cyprus. The Turkish vessel drilled off the Gulf of Antalya.

The first drilling in foreign waters, a purely pirated operation, began within the Cypriot EEZ from Fatih on 8 May 2019. Seven more drillings followed to date, of which in two cases the movement of the drilling rig from the first drilling rig to the second was a few hundred metres away and is considered to be in the same target.

In particular, three illegal drillings were drilled south of the Karpasia peninsula, about 20 km from the coast. The two took place in close proximity to each other and one further east towards the cape of Apostle Andreas.

Another, illegal drilling, took place in block 8 in the Peri-Eratosthene ring, to the point where ENIA had previously planned to drill.

Three other illegal drilling operations - two of which are very close - were carried out by Turkey west of Cyprus, within the Cypriot EEZ.

The Fatih drilling rig left the eastern Mediterranean at the end of April 2020 to drill in the Black Sea. This was followed by new illegal drilling from Yavuz, within part 7 of the Cypriot EEZ, all up to and without any positive results. On 20 April 2020, Yavuz started a new illegal drilling, in block 6, near the boundary with block 7 of the Cypriot EEZ. With successive irregular Navtex, Turkey has extended drilling activity to this target, an activity that continues to this day.

Last week, a Turkish official publicly stated that natural gas flows have been detected in drilling in the eastern Mediterranean which are being further investigated, suggesting that Turkey estimates that it is close to discovering a deposits in block 6 of the Cypriot EEZ, since it is not carrying out any more drilling in the eastern Mediterranean. Its qualitative characteristics, i.e. whether they are qualitatively and quantitatively exploitable, will judge not only the form of the continuation of Turkey's pirate activity, but will also have a significant impact on political developments.

Challenges to licensed seascapes

Unhindered Turkey continues and extends violations of international law and its pirate activity, then bringing Barbaros in August 2019 east of the previous regions also south of Cyprus to licensed parts of the Cypriot EEZ. The peak of the challenges continued in 2020, since from the first days of the year Turkey sent Barbaros for seismographics also to licensed sea fields of the Cypriot EEZ, southeast of Cyprus up to the height of Cape Kavo Greco. There he carried out illegal seismographics throughout the months when the world faced the first wave of the pandemic.

This was followed, on 21 July, by the culmination of the political crisis due to the "Turkey-Libya agreement but also the Greece-Egypt agreement (which made Erdogan furious that saw his methods fall apart), the emergence of the "brother" of the Barbaros seismograph acquired by Turkey and active mainly in the Black Sea, Oruc Reis. With irregular Navtex Turkey committed by pouring oil on the fire and warships in the area, its second seismographic, violating both the continental shelf of Greece and that of Cyprus (overlapping area in which it had already carried out seismographic surveys). The result was tension in the area.



 Cyprus Mail 4 October 2020 - by Staff Reporter

The Green Party said on Sunday that although Cyprus ratified the European Convention for the Protection and Welfare of Animals in 1993, little has been done to provide effective protection of animals.

In a statement issued to mark World Animal Day, the party said this year’s theme was the adoption of strays “as long as people are ready to welcome them as equal members of their families”.

The party said that in Cyprus there were two main issues to deal with; informing and raising awareness among pet owners in order for them to become really responsible, and formulating an appropriate legal framework with staffed services that would be able to act immediately and punish owners who torture or abandon their pets.

As part this year’s events, the party’s women’s and youth branches organised a donations drive for shelters to which the response had been really positive, the statement said.

In a message to mark the day, Agriculture Minister Costs Kadis said improving the level of animal welfare in the country was recognised as a priority by the government and that an integrated animal protection and welfare framework was being implemented.

“We have promoted a number of laws to improve animal welfare in shelters, kennels, pet shops and zoos, and we have promoted a significant increase in penalties for animal abuse and neglect,” he said.

Also, with the aim of reducing the stray population, and responsible animal ownership, he said the government was implementing a series of actions such as the annual stray cat neutering program, the free dog-chipping scheme and the encouragement of the adoption of animals from shelters.