16 Şubat 2015 Pazartesi

TAICHI & QIGONG - Kamares Club - from 16 March

Mei is planning a small study group at Kamares Club on the various health benefits of Taichi (& Qigong) on people with health challenges such as chronic conditions, degenerative diseases, rehabilitation from critical illnesses, etc.  If you are interested please contact Mei either by email or by text to 99 923310.

Theme: a taster of Taichi & Qigong
Venue: Kamares Club (in or out-door)
Days: every Mon and/or Thur
Time: 1230-1pm (20-30mins per session)
Duration: for a minimum of 3 months

Cost: free for the whole study (16/3 - Jun-Jul)
Remarks: need dedicated volunteers, simple oriental exercises with an option of standing up or sitting down in a secured environment

Contacts: Mei at taichipafos@gmail.com or at 99923310 preferably by texting

What is Taichi (& Qigong)?

Taichi (Taijiquan in Mandarin) is commonly referred to as body-mind exercises which has it's origin in ancient China. It integrates a set of rhythmic gentle slow movements along with deep breathing and a number of cognitive processes such as acute awareness of your body's position and space, mental focus and attention as well as imagery visualisation.

How can Taichi help with a chronic disease?

Most chronic illnesses like lower back pain are more than just back pain. After a long period of chronic back pain, there is an inactivity which may start to change your exercise capacity, cardiovascular health, also your mood due to not going out. This may affect psychological aspect of your health as well as your social interactions.

What is nice about Taichi is that it has a number of components that make it particularly helpful to those who have chronic illnesses, are highly de-conditioned or in a weaken state, sometimes frail. Taichi has a very gentle and secure approach, almost like a gateway exercise which is safe and adaptable to people with chronic conditions.

There is a number of components within Taichi targeting at the multiple aspects of chronic sets of syndromes, e.g. Taichi is good for building strength - a cardiovascular exercise due to it's moderately aerobic nature.  Also, it tends to help with manic stresses often associated with chronic illnesses. It improves the mood by enhancing self efficacy (I.e. your willingness and ability to go out to begin exercise and take care of yourself).

What diseases in particular can benefit from Taichi and in what ways?

Taichi very broadly can be think of as an exercise. Thus it is helpful for any conditions, prevention of diseases, also for secondary prevention & rehabilitation. This exercise is indeed helpful across the board at least at some stage of rehabilitation of all conditions.

According to Dr Peter Wayne at Medicine of Harvard Medical School, many studies and trials have shown strong evidence and promising results of Taichi which can:-

a) significantly reduce the risks of fall in the elderly population and among those who are prone to falling.
b) enhancement for those who have heart failure or weaken hearts, in terms of exercise capacity and quality of life.
c) relieve pain conditions due to osteoarthritis of the joints including neck/shoulders, elbows, knees/hips, also chronic lower back pain, etc.
d) help to manage pain in fibromyalgia
e) elevate the mood in terms of cognitive aspects including manic depressions, anxiety and delaying cognitive decline due to ageing (I.e. maintaining cognitive functions)
f) improve balance for people who have Parkinson's Diseases and those who have similar degenerative conditions

Please come along to join us at Kamares Club every Mon &/or Thur at 1230pm for 10-12wks of free 20-30mins trials as from 16 Mar, 15. 

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