12 Mart 2015 Perşembe


Information regarding new applications for or renewal of EHIC can be found on Official NHS healthcareabroad site
Please ensure you only use the official site as there are several unofficial websites which provide the service but impose a charge.

Renewal or new application can be done online via the site above. BUT ONLY IF THE CARD IS REGISTERED TO A UK ADDRESS AND IS TO REMAIN REGISTERED TO A UK ADDRESS.   However, please note that if the card is registered to a UK address and you now require it changed to a Cyprus address, you will need to complete a change of address form which will be posted to you and this must be completed before the renewal can be carried out.  The form can be obtained from [0044] 191 279 0575 .
To renew the card by phone, you will need to ring [ 0044] 191 279 0575 or (0044) 191 218 1999 
You will either get through to a human being on the first attempt, or there is a lengthy recording and mention is made that you need your NI or NHS number – you don’t – but you do need your old EHIC card handy.
Select Renewal but you are then asked to confirm that you are a UK or EEA national or national of Switzerland and are permanently resident in the UK by pressing One – which you cannot do.   You will be told by the machine that it cannot hear you – do nothing and eventually you will be told that you are being transferred.

You will then be speaking to a human being and will be asked your date of birth and current address.
You will be told that  your card will arrive in approximately 10 days time.  In some instances, ie a new card, or change of name, or address from UK to Cyprus, a form may require completion which will have to be sent out from the UK and then completed and returned.

Please note that they do not issue renewals automatically – you have to apply.

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

