25 Şubat 2017 Cumartesi

Cute Kids

I'm taking a break from posting new material for awhile. In the meantime, I'll be posting some previous photos arranged thematically, starting with this set of "cute kids" photos.

Ben Shahn - Children of homesteaders, the Resettlement 
Administration's Shenandoah Homesteads, 1941
Charles Lee - Clara Anderson with Mary Lee in Charles Lee's 
yard, Mountain Park, Alberta, ca. 1935
Dorothea Lange - Many children of Japanese ancestry attended Raphael Weill public school, Geary and Buchanan Streets, prior to evacuation. This scene shows first-graders during flag pledge ceremony. San Francisco, California, 1942
Girl in winter clothes, Dover, New Hampshire
Harris & Ewing - Liana de Bayle, daughter of the 
Minister of Nicaragua and Señora de Bayle, 1938
Leslie Jones - Kids and dog sailing
Lewis Hine - Mary Christmas, nearly 4 years old. Picks cranberries 
sometimes. She is now picking up berries spilled at the barrels 
by Grandfather. Falmouth, Week's Bog, Massachusetts, 1911
Marion Post Wolcott - Mountaineer's daughter enjoying the sorghum syrup 
at a neighbor's home during a "syrupping off," Breathitt County, Kentucky, 1940

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