16 Eylül 2020 Çarşamba


 Filenews 16 September 2020

The Ministry of Health informs that, according to an update received today by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit from contracting laboratories, a total of 2,449 laboratory diagnoses identified 8 new cases of COVID-19 disease.

In detail, virus-positive individuals emerged as follows:

• Of 89 samples taken through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases, 5 cases were identified.

• Of 52 samples taken as part of the migrant structure control programme, 1 case was identified.

• From 160 samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 1 case was identified.

• Of 259 samples taken as part of the referral programme by Personal Physicians and special teams control through the Public Health Clinics, 1 case was identified.

The 8 new incidents were identified as follows:

• 1 x Microbiological Laboratories of General Hospitals: This is a person who returned to Cyprus from Saudi Arabia and underwent the examination on the 12th day of quarantine, as provided for in the relevant Decree.

• 1 x Migrant Shelter Fornara: This is a Syrian who arrived in Cyprus from Syria via Turkey and occupied on 14/9.

• 1 x Public Health Clinics: Concerns a person who experienced symptoms (cough and sore throat) on 14/9 and was referred by her Personal Physician.

• 5 x contact tracing:

1. One person is contacted from the Family Environment of the British woman who was announced positive on 14/9 by private initiative.

2. The 2nd person is contact from the family environment of the person identified by the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals and announced on 14/9.

3. The 3rd person is in contact from the family environment of the cases detected by the airport check and which had come on a flight from Austria on 11/9. We announced them on 12/9.

4. The other 2 persons are contacts of one of the cluster cases, the first case of which was detected by the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals on 9/9. The person with whom today's cases are linked was announced on 14/9 (NOT the worker in the Metropolis of Kiti). The cluster with the two today has 14 people.

In addition, the following laboratory tests were carried out, without the detection of a case:

• From samples taken through a private initiative, 638 laboratory tests were carried out,

• From samples taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check, 733 laboratory tests were completed,

• From the laboratory testing programme of 5,000 people aged 18-40 years in places with a high confusion of individuals, 185 laboratory tests were completed,

• From the student control programme, 5 laboratory tests were carried out,

• Of the samples taken by the residents of Kato Pyrgos Tylliria, 9 laboratory diagnoses were completed, and

• From samples taken as part of the control programme for pupils, teachers and school staff, 319 laboratory diagnoses were completed.

Therefore, and on the basis of the data so far, the total number of cases amounts to 1,548.

In addition, five people tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are being treated at Famagusta General Hospital, one of whom is in the Increased Care Unit. A COVID-19 patient is being treated outside the Intensive Care Unit of Nicosia General Hospital.

Source: eyenews

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