16 Eylül 2020 Çarşamba


 Filenews 16 September 2020

Special appeal to all citizens, by the Ministry of Health, please observe protocols and measures of distancing and personal hygiene, when attending mass gathering places or social events to avoid a new outbreak of crown cases.

Read the Announcement of the Ministry of Health:

Despite the good epidemiological picture observed in recent days in Cyprus, we have an obligation for everyone, state and society, to continue to operate responsibly and seriously, reverently implementing the measures and protocols of protection against the crown. The effort of all of us should focus on preventing possible setbacks and maintaining the good epidemiological data of our country.

According to data recorded by the World Health Organization and ECDC, a large number of new COVID-19 incidents are detected in venues and events of large gatherings, such as bars, dining venues, weddings, concerts, etc. In this context, and in order to avoid a new outbreak, a special appeal is made to all citizens as they comply with protocols and measures of social distancing and personal hygiene when attending mass gathering places or social events.

At the same time, it is very important to implement the guidelines applicable to each venue/event by the premises/businesses and event organisers, remaining as consistent and responsible as they have been throughout the previous period.

As has been repeatedly pointed out, places and events where a large number of people congregate pose an increased risk of transmission of the virus, and make it difficult to detect a case in them. Examples of other countries, such as Greece and Israel, where an increased number of cases have been detected following mass gatherings, forcing the authorities to reinstate strict restrictive measures and lockdown, sound the alarm and impose special attention, constant vigilance and accountability on all of us.

As can be seen from the Agencies supervising the implementation of the Decrees and measures, the majority of citizens and businesses comply with the decrees and the measures. With a view to the more effective implementation of the measures and the additional intensification of daily controls, at the initiative of the Ministry of Health, a meeting of the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit will be held with Officers of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, the Police and the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance, during which ways to more effectively supervise the implementation of the Decrees and measures in force will be discussed.

However, and since the imposition of fines on individuals and businesses is not a basic pursuit of those responsible, it is important for all citizens to understand that Cyprus is a model for countries internationally because of the cooperation and discipline shown by all citizens. The road is still long and everyone's commitment must be constant until vaccination coverage of the population is ensured.

Source: eyenews

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