G.G. Bain etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
G.G. Bain etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

30 Temmuz 2017 Pazar

G. G. Bain

G. G. Bain

Mexican rebels in action, 1910-15
Motorcycle machine gun, 1915-20
Orphans going to Coney Island, June 7, 1911
Women in large carriage on street for Cleveland New Party
Women's Motor Corps on Recruit, 1917-18
Wright's new machine, ca. 1910

27 Haziran 2017 Salı

G. G. Bain

G. G. Bain

4th of July Parade
Alexander Berkman and Helen Harris (Helen Goldblatt, also know as Helen of Troy) in Tarrytown, probably after arrests of I.W.W. members for attempting to hold an open air mass meeting
Crowd gathered in Union Square, New York City 
during the May Day parade, May 1, 1913
Labor Day Parade, float of Women's Trade Union 
League, New York, September 7, 1908
Will Rogers playing horseshoes, ca. 1920s

16 Mayıs 2017 Salı

G. G. Bain

G. G. Bain

Invited guests on way to Roosevelt House, 
on foot and in carriage, September 1908
Jascha Heifetz
[arguably the greatest violinist of the 20th century]
Jewish New Year - boot black, 1912
John Philip Sousa with a dog and a woman, 
probably in Bryant Park, New York City, 1915-20
U.S. Scouts - Nurses, 1915-20

19 Şubat 2017 Pazar

G. G. Bain

G. G. Bain

Sea shore, first lessons, 1900-10
Skaters on Tuxedo Lake, Tuxedo Park, New York State, 1910-20
Start of auto race, June 1, 1918
Stine, Sable, Gilliland, Baston, Snow ready for race
Traffic Squad Police, July 20, 1911

1 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

Munitions factory

Munitions factory

These photos of a munitions factory were taken shortly before the advent of World War I. In one of the photos is a calender showing March 1914.

27 Ocak 2017 Cuma

G.G. Bain

G.G. Bain

Miss Leahy and Miss Farrell, Bay Shore, 1910
 Mrs. G.E. Davis, Mrs. Amor - Inez, F. Greig, Loranda Batchelder
Olga Frohman, ca. 1915-20
Musical America, October 28, 1916: “Mme. Olga Frohman, a premiere danseuse of the Diaghileff Ballet Russe, arrived last Sunday on the Norwegian-American liner Bergensfjord from Petrograd, where she danced at the Imperial Opera House. She was engaged for the season of ballet here by Capt. Philip Lydig. Mme. Frohman stated that her mother was Russian and her father Swedish.”
Roy Repp - Buick, 1910-15
School girls sailing

10 Ocak 2017 Salı

New York, New York

New York, New York

 Boy and girl dancing while an Edison Home phonograph plays 
in a home in Broad Channel, Queens, New York City, 1910-15
 Gladys Lamb and Norval Baptie performing "an exhibition of fancy and acrobatic skating" during an "ice carnival" at Van Cortlandt Park, the Bronx, New York City, February 17, 1917
 Grand Central Station and Hotel Manhattan, New York, 1900-06
 May Day Parade, New York City, ca. 1910
Plane piloted by Blair Thaw with passenger John Kane 
in Central Park, New York City, March 6, 1916