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20 Mart 2015 Cuma

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony

"The day me approaching when the whole world will recognize women as the equal of men" 
- Susan B Anthony

 Susan B. Anthony (1820 – 1906) was an American social revolutionist and worked against women slavery system in United States with the help of her lifelong friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton (social activist). At the age of 17 she drives a petition campaign against the slavery in American society and also she drives another largest campaigned and collected 400,000 signatures to abolition of slavery. She was arrested for voting in New York and convicted in 1872 and also she refused to pay the court fine.  Every year she gives 75 to 100 speeches all over the United States and she accused for damaging the institution of marriage. In 1920, “Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” giving women the right to Vote which is popularly known as “Anthony Amendment”.