music etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
music etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

4 Kasım 2019 Pazartesi

Unit 2 - Music & history

Unit 2 - Music & history

Here you have the challenge solution... songs related to the French Revolution...

Waterloo by Abba, about Napleon's defeat...

... and Viva la vida by Coldplay about Louis XVI's life... and death... This last activity is inspired in another teacher's blog, you can visit his activity in this link.

22 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

 These pictures were taken during our first snowfall at the beginning of December. We had just finished putting up the candles. I love how they brighten things up!

Since I took these pictures we have had two more storms that have each brought 6-8" of snow. Winter is here for sure!
But is does make it feel cozy and Christmasy!

Thankfully Kerri dog loves the snow! No having to coax her outdoors! (She is usually the one coaxing us!)

2 Şubat 2016 Salı

It's a Good Day

It's a Good Day

Hello Friends! I am back! I decided to take a bit of extra time off to recover from the Christmas festivities, the visiting, putting the house in order again and recovering from a sinus infection. 

One of my favorite songs by Perry Como is "It's a Good Day". A fitting song for the beginning post of a new blogging year, isn't it? (This year I will have been blogging for 5 years!)  

It's a Good Day because........

~It's a stormy rainy day perfect for curling up with knitting and watching a Jane Austen movie. Mandy and I have been enjoying the 1972 version of Emma and the 1971 version of Sense and Sensibility.

~After a busy autumn I finally have time to get back to my favorite domestic pursuits. Right now I am on a muffin baking craze!

~I have my Project List made and ready for warm weather. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish a lot this year, including trim and a new sidewalk.

~ I finished up several knitting projects for birthday gifts (on time too!) and can now start a fun scarf for myself.

I would love to hear how It's a Good Day for you?

24 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

Cherry Apron

Cherry Apron

The newest addition to my apron collection! How could I pass it up? Such a cheerful bit of cuteness. 

It is all machine sewn, even the applique, out of a light semi sheer cotton. I love the accent of the mini ric-rac.
There is a tag on one of the ties. When I googled it quite a few aprons popped up by this company, even an apron dress with appliqued cherries!