11 Ağustos 2020 Salı


 Filenews 11 August 2020

A teleconference of the Advisory Scientific Committee (EES) was held today under the Minister of Health, Mr Konstantinos Ioannou, during which an overview of the epidemiological situation was carried out in recent days, and at the same time an analysis of the data obtained from the results of the random sampling of 10,000 people was carried out. In addition, the Minister of Health presented to the members of the EES the recent report with the ECDC findings, which concern, among other things, mass gatherings. The meeting also focused on the issue of the proper preparation and updating of autumn protocols, as well as ways of managing asymptomatics and cases at younger ages.

Taking into account the triptych set by the ECDC, i.e. examination – tracing rapid isolation , a strategy implemented by Cyprus since the beginning of the pandemic, it was agreed that, at a meeting to be held next week, the scientific team will submit to the Minister of Health suggestions, in order to take final decisions on outstanding issues, such as the holding of mass gathering events.

The following decisions emerged from the meeting:

  1. Although the approximately 2,000 laboratory diagnoses from the random sampling of 10,000 are not a representative sample, they nevertheless show that dispersion in the community seems to have started to decline and the situation is improving. Therefore, it was decided that the maximum number of people in gatherings in houses and public gathering places (excluding dining areas) in Limassol Province should be increased from 10 people to 50 people, a measure that will be re-evaluated according to the epidemiological picture next week.
  2. The following measures implemented since 1 August in Limassol Province remain in force:

a. Limit the maximum number of people in catering premises to 75 persons indoors and 150 persons outdoors, regardless of square meters.

b. Churches determine the presence of persons at the base of square meters according to the protocol, which independently will not exceed 75 persons.

All other measures implemented from 1 August on a cyprus basis shall remain in force.

During the presentation of the results of the recent ECDC report, where extensive reporting is made and there is a strong concern about the organisation of mass gathering events, such as concerts, festivals and festivals, the Minister of Health expressed the strong concern of both him and ECDC about the increased risk of such events. The phenomena observed in other countries in this regard sound the alarm and are of great caution, while the European Centre for Infection Prevention and Control calls on States to avoid organising events with a high concentration of people, which make it impossible to detect a case. The same concern was expressed by the members of the EES and it was agreed that a specific proposal on the issue would be prepared.

In addition, the teleconference held an extensive discussion on updating the existing protocols and preparing young people wherever necessary, and instructions were given by the Minister of Health to prepare a roadmap, with the aim of providing better preparation for autumn. Particular reference was made to the need to constantly inform citizens about measures and the cultivation of a culture of good behaviour, so that there is no complacency and relaxation, since the road is long and until we find a vaccine, our daily lives will have to be adapted to the existing data.

In this context, the issue of an increased number of cases was also discussed among young people, who for the most part show no symptoms and have more intense social activity, at the risk of unknowingly spreading the virus in the community. The Ministry of Health and the Advisory Scientific Committee again call on citizens, especially young people, to be particularly careful in mass gatherings and to respect with reverence individual protection and social distancing measures.

Source: Eyenews

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