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Cookbook Project etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

1 Nisan 2014 Salı

More Cooking Booklets

More Cooking Booklets

 My last antique excursion found me walking out with two more cookbook pamphlets! I don't know why I am addicted to them, perhaps because they are so much more colorful than cookbooks from the same era. 
Some day you are going to see me listed in the Guineas Book of World Records for the largest collection......
First up we have the Hershey's cookbook copyright 1940. I love the glimpse we get of a "modern" kitchen!
 All the basic chocolaty goodness.
 Sour Cream Cocoa Cookies caught my eye. Looks very interesting. I will let you know when I get around to trying them!

Love their slogan! I have a reprint of this cookbook from the 1970s. Most of the recipes look the same. But how can you go wrong with a bit of chocolate!

 I found this one very interesting. What caught my eye was the colorful illustrations inside.
 I love to read recipes for sandwiches. They were so inventive then! Though some do not sound good at all. 

"Avoid Spongy, Tasteless Bread - Buy Bond Bread!" 

10 Şubat 2014 Pazartesi

Cheese and Ways to serve it

Cheese and Ways to serve it

Being a good Wisconsin girl, this little booklet drew me like a magnet! Plus there are aprons on the cover and inside. A treasure! 
This little cookbook is five and a half inches by 3 inches, tiny and cute!
 The back cover, with a better look at all the aprons!
 Put out by Kraft Cheese in 1931. Don't you love how all the big food companies came out with cookbooks to promote their products? You don't see that much anymore. 

 I love the little sketches in the corners!  Not only are the ladies cooking, but shopping, chopping, stirring and serving.

 How much more vintage can you get then bridge sandwiches!
 I didn't realize until I was scanning these, but each page is perforated for removal and easy filing in the recipe box.

29 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

Cookbook: Better Baking

Cookbook: Better Baking

I just realized I have had pictures of this cookbook floating around waiting to be posted! It is nice in a way (instant post!), but I get a little aggravated that they haven't made it to the blog yet.
 This little gem I picked up at our library sale. 
And look what I found tucked inside! A little treasure, four 1 cent stamps! And since they say "For Defense" they much be from the 40s. 
 Even though there are no photos or cute aprons pictured, the sketches along the edges are too cute.

Such interesting recipes, so many I would love to try.
 The names are delightful too! Who wouldn't want to have tea with Jelly Tuck-aways?

17 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

Most Marvelous Meals with Minute Tapioca

Most Marvelous Meals with Minute Tapioca

 I had forgotten about this little gem until the other night when I made tapioca pudding. Good thing I wasn't really planning on sharing pictures, it was a flop! I ran out of tapioca and it didn't firm up right. The cover is what caught my eye, isn't it pretty? Her expression makes me laugh. Judging from her ensemble this little booklet is from the late 1930s.
 There are recipes for everything with tapioca! Meatloaf, gravy, ham loaf, potpie, soups, souffle, puddings, pies and ice cream. They were very inventive.
 Such a colorful picture. I love how simple ingredients like fruit and nuts are used to add a special touch to pudding.
I have always wanted to make a souffle, haven't you? From watching Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina to often. Such an old fashioned dish. I haven't gotten up the courage yet.

21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Frigidaire Recipes 1923

Frigidaire Recipes 1923

 I am not sure if this little book was published to promote sales or was the owner's manual that came with the refrigerator. But it is fascinating to look at! I picked up last time I was antiquing. It was my big splurge, just too cute to pass up.
I love this first picture of 1920s ladies and their refrigerator.
 "The primary purpose of a Frigidaire Automatic Refrigeration is to preserve food."
 Frigidaire and the Modern Home
"Frigidaire plays a definite role in the daily routine and management of the modern home. It is an integral part of the equipment that lightens household cares and contributes to the health, happiness and convenience of every member of the family."

Aren't the little illustrations lovely! Even though it is just illustrating a ham casserole, it is elegant!
 Frigidaire Rolls and Frigidaire Cookies! The cookies look very interesting. Three layers of dough with chocolate, coconut and nuts. Yum!
 And would this cookbook be complete without Sherbets and Ices?
 I thought this was fascinating, a diagram of where to keep food.
"Whether shelf space be large or small it is important that there be ample chance for circulation of air, which becomes hampered on crowded shelves. There must be space between articles as well as above and below them.
Perishable foods of all kinds are best preserved when placed on the proper shelf, for some foods require colder temperatures than others for correct preservation. In placing food in Frigidaire, keep these few simple rules in mind:
1. Foods difficult to keep, such as milk and meat, should be placed under the cooling coil.
2. Foods that readily absorb odors, such as butter, should be placed under the cooling coil.
3. Foods that dry out easily, such as celery, lettuce and spinach, should be placed on the top shelves. 4. Foods that give off odors. such as cheese, melons and apples, should be placed on the top shelves."
Doesn't it make you thankful we don't have to worry about "difficult to keep foods" anymore? We just have to worry about forgetting things in the refrigerator!

1 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

Old Fashioned Brown Sugar Cookies

Old Fashioned Brown Sugar Cookies

 I have had these pictures lurking around for a while. At first I didn't deem them blog worthy, but have since changed my mind!
 This is an old favorite. The very first time we made them my sister wanted to try out her new elephant cookie cutter. They have since been known in our house as "Elephant Cookies". And we wouldn't dare make them any other shape!
This recipe makes a nice basic soft sugar cookie with one twist, brown sugar instead of white. And to top it all off, Maple Butter Cream Frosting!
Brown Sugar Cookies
2 cupfuls brown sugar
1 cupful softened butter
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoonful salt
1 teaspoonful baking soda
1/4 cupful milk
1 teaspoonful vanilla
About 5 cupfuls flour
Cream together the butter and sugar, add the eggs well beaten, the milk, the vanilla and the half the flour sifted with the salt and soda. Add more flour, enough to make a dough which may be rolled. Cut in any desired shapes (preferably elephants!) and bake about ten minutes in a 400 oven.
For the frosting, just add a couple tablespoons maple syrup to your favorite recipe.

15 Kasım 2012 Perşembe

Cookbook: Our Favorite Recipes

Cookbook: Our Favorite Recipes

 This is one of my favorite cookbooks. Even though I haven't made a lot of recipes from it yet. Why is it one of my favorites? It was put together by the ladies of St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church in West Bend, WI in 1949. I didn't know one could self-publish a cookbook that early! You can see the personality of each lady jump off the page as each recipe is in her own handwriting! I have never seen anything like it.
 I love just looking through it at all the different handwritings. The little sketches accompanying the recipes are wonderful too.
 Baked Ham by Elsi Ramsthal and Ham Loaf by Mrs. H.C. Bennallack. Such distinctive writing.
 Pecan Pie by Mrs. A. D. Alberecht. The little squirrel makes me laugh!
Rose Cake by Miss Hattie Miller. This recipe looks intriguing, chocolate, rasisins and sour cream....
Now all I need to do is find a little time to try some of them out!!